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XviD B-Frames Compile



Estoril Blue


Messages: 755
Registration: 09.09.2001

I got bored, so I thought I'd make one. It's working very good now, try it.

Message # 1 21.10.23 - 05:10:04
RE: XviD B-Frames Compile



Messages: 1
Registration: 11.01.2006

XVID BFRAMES ARE STILL PRE ALPHA EXPECT UNUASUAL THINGS TO HAPPEN - AND YOUR ENCODING WILL LOOK LIKE SHIT. Please, you shouldn't use too immature features and tell about the risks. Wanna be yet another binary distributor?

Message # 2 21.10.23 - 05:14:55
RE: XviD B-Frames Compile



Messages: 8
Registration: 14.05.2010

"Also note that when using 2-Pass mode, set the maximum number of B-Frames to -1, and in the second pass, set them to 1." Erm. you're abusing rate control for things which it isn't supposed to handle. This will severely degrade quality in the wrong places. First pass and second pass should be _identical_ with settings which affect the compressability, I can't stress this enough, and it should be a very well known fact since _nandub_. Kind regards, Koepi

Message # 3 21.10.23 - 05:24:19
RE: XviD B-Frames Compile



Messages: 47
Registration: 21.03.2006

I'll change it if you want, but my (single) test showed no noticeable difference, and it sped up encoding. I'll do another one a different (and much longer) clip; my first was only about 30 min.

ой, что-то у меня душа болит. или сердце...хотя наверное просто лифчик жмет...
Message # 4 21.10.23 - 05:28:00
RE: XviD B-Frames Compile



Messages: 8
Registration: 23.10.2010

B-Frames in the first pass are very unstable, it seems. So I'll still stick with having them off, then. [Edit: With the number of times I tried it, without success, I'm thinking that I probably made a mistake when I did the first test, and that B-Frames in the first pass weren't ever enabled. This would explain why the two tests looked the same; they were.]

Message # 5 21.10.23 - 05:34:23
RE: XviD B-Frames Compile



Messages: 8255
Registration: 01.07.2005

See, this is why they're still experimental and not recommendet to use. Those things have to be fixed amongst some others (the resulting bitstream is NOT mpeg4 compliant yet, there's still some weirdness with the time counters etc). It resulted in gruel asking me to take down any bframe related stuff. Your way (1st pass without bframes, 2nd pass with them) is a no-no in quality terms. The bitrate curve scaling is somewhat wrong, as I mentioned above, spending bits on the wrong scenes, taking it -again- from the wrong ones. I just want this to be VERY clear, and I'd like to ask you to give at least these remarks on your page - or even do as the xvid core developers prefer... Regards, Koepi

Message # 6 21.10.23 - 05:40:27
RE: XviD B-Frames Compile



Messages: 53
Registration: 20.04.2009

I'm sorry to say this again, but unfortunately this stuff isn't so easy to predict. We wouldn't need any new codec if it were that easy... Good luck with that attempt anyways, and be careful not to sell it as hyper-hyper again and remind the people that they're dealing with experimental, non-MPEG4 stuff. Thanks, also for your work, Koepi

Message # 7 21.10.23 - 05:49:01
RE: XviD B-Frames Compile



Messages: 5
Registration: 13.11.2011

Also to point out, its not my DShow filter but XviD that has the problems decoding the B-Frames :D -Nic

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Message # 8 21.10.23 - 05:59:07
RE: XviD B-Frames Compile



Messages: 480
Registration: 20.04.2009

heh, a weird song by scooter (bad, bad techno). I thought it was international, sorry :) It was meant as: please don't hype it, as it is still somewhat broken. Regards, koepi

Message # 9 21.10.23 - 06:05:05
RE: XviD B-Frames Compile



Messages: 2
Registration: 23.07.2009

@Dave: Like your site :) I once ported r!sc's sd2 code to C, so thats a very nice little resource for info on that type of thing ;) -Nic

Message # 10 21.10.23 - 06:09:24
RE: XviD B-Frames Compile
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