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Today: 12.03.2025 - 11:41:12
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Notes hanging!!!





Messages: 679
Registration: 10.12.2010

Hi all, I keep going deeper into Reaper. And I bumped in hanging notes. And that seriously spoils my experiece! Here I want to classify cases where in my view notes should NOT hang (or at least I expect them not to hang): 1. when I stop playback, and certain notes havent finished. So I stop at the middle of the note. Result - it hangs and requires me to press F3. In some thread I saw a suggestion to tie this action to the SPACE key. Any ideas HOW I can do this? 2. When in the midi item I have recorded sustain pedal pressed, but stopped the playback before it is released. Result - it hangs. and even F3 doesn't help. I need to go to the problematic track, activate input monitoring and manually press and release the pedal. 3. When I flick throuhg the menues, switch windows/tracks. or simply do nothing - some notes are hanginng anyway!!! ANd this is not 100% reproduceable so it seems not to be caused by the problem in my MIDI data. Do you have similar problems? Did you manage to overcome them? Is it recognized to be a problem of the Reaper itself? Thanks!

Детский досуг СМЫШЛЕНЫШ
Message # 1 15.01.24 - 15:31:02
RE: Notes hanging!!!



Messages: 12
Registration: 16.04.2012

note hang bug 

Message # 2 15.01.24 - 15:38:16
RE: Notes hanging!!!



Messages: 24
Registration: 15.03.2008

one more note stuck: track a: sidechaining track track b: sidechianed midi-track soloing track a, track b midi doesn't mute so i need manully mute the track

Message # 3 15.01.24 - 15:41:59
RE: Notes hanging!!!



Messages: 318
Registration: 23.09.2005

Reaper does send all-notes-off to all hardware when the transport stops. I suspect the problem occurs when a note-on message is contained in the same block of data as the all-notes-off, so we will do something to ensure that the all-notes-off is the only message sent in the last block. PS. By default the F3 key is Reaper's MIDI panic button.

Message # 4 15.01.24 - 15:46:58
RE: Notes hanging!!!



Messages: 8
Registration: 10.09.2009

Thanks schwa :)

Message # 5 15.01.24 - 15:51:43
RE: Notes hanging!!!
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