Guide to fully automated CQ_VBR KVCD with DVD2SVCD (for Advanced users) Some of you here are using KVCD templates () with DVD2SVCD (D2S) to automate their VCD encoding while they sleep :D . Problem is that D2S 1.0.9 Build 3 does not support CQ_VBR mode, nor setting of VBV buffer size (coming up soon), which are part of KVCD template. I like to sleep at night, so I've searched a way to trick D2S so that I can use *any* TMPGEnc configuration for encoding... And I've found it, relying on good old MSDOS batch file! Here is how to procede for a PAL KVCDPlus encoding on 1 disc. * Preparation Step 1 Create a special project (.tpr) in TMPGEnc : -File/new project -load KVCD-CQ-352x288-(PAL)-PLUS.mcf -set video only -set video source to (D2S output folder)\AviSynth_Script_file.avs -set output filename to (D2S output folder)\Encoded_Video_TMPGEnc_PAL.mpv (source is PAL) -File/save project to "KVCD_D2S.tpr" somewhere on your HD * Preparation Step 2 Create the following batch file and name it "swap.bat" :loop if exist TMPGEnc_Project_file.tpr goto swp goto loop :swp del TMPGEnc_Project_file.tpr ren KVCD_D2S.tpr TMPGEnc_Project_file.tpr * Launching an encoding session Set D2S as usual. Copy "swap.bat" and "KVCD_D2S.tpr" in your D2S output folder. Run "swap.bat". Start encoding. Go to bed :) If everything goes well, you should have a fully KVCD compliant mpg at the end. * Additional notes -My config is P4 1.6 with WIN98SE. I cannot test under other config. -I did one encoding so far, all Windows not minimized, all resident progs deactivated (however, this may not be required). -You may have to tune this method to your specific needs. I would recommend to do some testing on your config, to understand how D2S works (eg. I assume that for NTSC, D2S outputs a "Encoded_Video_TMPGEnc_NTSC.mpv"), and to check that timing is ok. Timing may be critical : this trick may not work if D2S loads TMPGEnc project file too quickly, before it is swapped. It works on my machine, I sincerely hope it will work for you too. Again, test on a tiny movie before. -don't forget to change BBMpeg setting to VBR in D2S (I sometimes do) PS : possibility to choose a TMPGEnc .tpr and overide D2S parameters would be a nice feature for a futur release ;) . PS2 : joining and encoding DVD with multiple ifos would make me the happiest man on hearth (very usefull for sitcoms!) PS3 : hey DVD2SVCD, forgive me about these 2 previous PSs; I just loooooove your software :cool: Cheers.