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no spark after routine tuneup



///177 TEK


Messages: 119
Registration: 06.19.2003

It could be the ignition module. It is on the inner wing right at the front by ther battery. Mike

'94 ///177-technic "don't sweat the TECHNIC" "Driving is a passion. Make love to a corner."
Message # 1 11.12.22 - 21:17:29
RE: no spark after routine tuneup



Messages: 31
Registration: 04.29.2003

What does the ignition module look like? By the battery, there is a small Bosch metal relay, a small black plastic thing which the cover pops off to reveal that its just a terminal block for the positive wires coming off the battery, and a larger metal relay for the headlights. Thats it.

Message # 2 11.12.22 - 21:26:31
RE: no spark after routine tuneup

Jaded M3


Messages: 681
Registration: 10.22.2002

I am assuming your car should have this as it has a Hall sender. I can't be certain though as US must have different spec for example in UK we don't have O2 sensor with the Jetronic. The ignition module is located just behing the headlampo right at the front of the inner wing. It is a failry flat panel tapering towards the multiblock. If you can't see try tracing the wires back from the dizzy as they go there and then to the coil. Mike

Message # 3 11.12.22 - 21:32:54
RE: no spark after routine tuneup



Messages: 508
Registration: 06.09.2003

I'm not seeing the part that you described so I took some pics. This is behind the battery: Here is the distributor and hall sender: This is a computer near the washer fluid tank: These are located in the pass. side footwell:

1995 OBD I Cosmos Black M3 - RIP: gone but not forgotten
Message # 4 11.12.22 - 21:43:01
RE: no spark after routine tuneup



Messages: 415
Registration: 02.01.2002

Hi Todd, It looks a bit as if I've been leading you up the garden path a little. I suspected the US spec was different to ours as you run with a Cat - I'm afraid you will need help from someone that knows this system. Can I suggest you post your question on - I'm sure you will get the solution to your problem very quickly. Let me know how you get on - I'd be interested to hear the answer (with photos if poss as well) - I could do to get to know more about your enginbe management! Best of luck. Mike

Lou G. #88 ST/ITE/SPM Team 3G's Motorsports Gallery 2011
Message # 5 11.12.22 - 21:54:18
RE: no spark after routine tuneup



Messages: 66
Registration: 10.07.2001

Thanks for your help Mike. I will take your suggestion and post on turbobricks and report back.

No More Project M3.
Message # 6 11.12.22 - 21:58:16
RE: no spark after routine tuneup



Messages: 25
Registration: 06.03.2002

Well after a little research, I found out that I have a B21F MPG engine, a special U.S. spec model using a Chrysler dist/coil/ICM. This crappy departure from what you have in the U.K. was supposed to gain a few more MPGs. After finding that bit of info, i found a flow chart (I'll post a link later). With this I found I had left off a ground wire when I reinstalled the intake. I reattached and everything is up and running. Thanks for your help. :Dancing_chief:

Message # 7 11.12.22 - 22:09:04
RE: no spark after routine tuneup



Messages: 45
Registration: 12.17.2002

Hi, I'm glad you are up and sorted. It's surprising how often it is the silly little things like that getting missed that cause a load of head scratching. It always pay to thoroughly check everything you've done! I can assure you we've these sort of thgings on more than one occasion and will do so again. I look forward to your link and I can then learn a bit more. Enjoy your stay here! Mike

Message # 8 11.12.22 - 22:15:04
RE: no spark after routine tuneup
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