Hi schultz.. i tried your way too. but dont know where is the prob. one was srt file . fps 23.976 .. tried to fps 30.000, no work with avifile (fps 30.000) the other was txt.file (also mircodvd).. tried to convert srt.. then convert from 25.000 to 23.976 .. no work with avifile (23.976 fps) i dont understand.. how you guys get those things to working.. you have special software.. that im not using or what? i tried those software.. SubAdjust SubConvertor12 SubRip FPS Convertor SubtitleFPSConvert99 none of them are getting synch to my files.. fps 25.000 to 23.976 fps 23.976 to 30.000 both doesnt get synch after fixing it.