I am running a G4/867 machine with 2 partitions one with OS 9.2.2 and the other with OS 10.2.4 and Protools 6.0 works fine. Went to get the v6.0.1 upgrade. Downloaded, opened and ran the installer for the upgrade and as soon as it starts searching my OS X drive it completely crashes my computer. I have to restart it with the little button on the front under the boot button. I redownloaded the upgrade in case it had corrupted but the same thing happens. Help please
Try using the "rebuild permissions "with the disk utility tools (applications-Utility-disk utility/first aid) highlight your OS 10.2.4 drive. This seems to have to be done when any software changes have occurred. Seems to be similar to rebuilding the desktop in OS9. Hope this works for you. 6.0.1 running fine here.
Thanks TCDet but I had already tried that and no joy. Done a whole raft of maintenance type things but no joy. Would value soem input from Digi on this please? Thanks,
Hi, Just wanted to add that I'm having the same problem and have done all of the same diagnostics as well. I'm looking into whether the CD installer will work. It *should* be available. est, -J.
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I have the same problem, it hangs up installing at "138 left to install" I have tried repairing permissions, Norton 7, Jaguar cleaner, Disk repair. I'm using 10.2.4/G4 dual 800/1.25ram/ATTO. I'm stumped! Any ideas digi? p.s.-i don't have a password to log on to my computer if that makes a difference?
Mike, You might want to try Jaguar Cache Cleaner. It has really helped with my crashes, acutally no crashes in quite a while. JCC is only 8 bucks. Worth it. Find it here: