Hi Derrow, first of all I would like to say that your tool is really great. However there are two things which I would be happy to see in a future 'revision' of it. It's probably nothing to rewrite tons of code, but would it be possible to have the 'Regionfree' button to be be applied to ALL IFO's and not just the one which is opened ? Same goes for the PUO's. Sometimes you have 7-8-9 or more IFO's and when you want to remove the User Op's on all of them, you have to open and save each of them. Oh yes ... now I just remember ... this one I'm not sure is possible but just in case ... I recently merged two flipper DVD's (one movie on two sides (from the early beginning of DVDs)). It works fine to merge them into one movie only (with VOBedit), but I notice that the chapters don't appear. Would it be technical 'fesable' to edit the chapter points back ? As I can see everything correctly in the IFO where the previous chapter was ? Thanks and continue this great tool.
Thanx. The first 2 things should be easy and quick to implement. But the last suggestion will be a bit more work. I'll fix that problem for sure, it will just take a while. Untill then, you can use the new functions in IfoEdit to add the chapters manualy.
I had a go in adding chapters, these are my results, needs checking. 1) In VTS_PGCITI > VTS_PGC_1 adding the missing PG's in PGC Program Map (you can check at the bottom how many) Number of Programs at the top will be increased autm. 2) In PTT_SRPTI add the missing chapters, you can find the values in VTS_01_0IFO 3) Correct and save IFO's 4) Get VTS Sectors. Ready to burn Is this correct?
Derrow, Simple but annoying. IFOEDIT does't let me specify a new directory in the Destination directory box on the VOB Extra Options panel. Can you modify this so it uses a standard windows function to allow selecting an existing directory or specifying a new one?