well, this is not really demuxing, but I came to this thread since I had: - Language 1 Audio already muxed with the main Video .rmvb stream (A+V) - Language 2 Audio on a separate audio-only .rm stream and I wanted to watch the movie using Language 2. You know, if you write a .smil coupling the main A+V .rmvb with the second audio in a separate Region, both regions play together and the 2 audios overlap, with the _terrible_ effect you can imagine! SO: only remaining solution was to DEMUX audio from the A+V .rmvb, and re-mux it with Language 2 Audio, but.... I couldn't find a way to demux a .rmvb (Variable Bitrate) RV9 media file. Thus I went through the Realsystem IQ Production Guide .pdf, and I could arrange this setting: Code: