I am running Win2k on an 850 Duron, ATI allinwonder pro(X4AGP) 500meg ram, 730meg page file...It makes no sense. I used to have NO problem with sync on my Rips,compressing with Xvid...Using the same system but running win98...it was always fine. When I install Win2k, Everything else seems to run ok but Movies made with Xvid simply will not stay in sync. I have tried the ffdshow filter and this has no affect either..I have read all of the posts about this problem(that I could find anyway)..but I have yet to find a solution to this problem...Any and all suggestions would be most appreciated.
If the movie repeatedly goes out of sync while playing, it is nothing to do with XviD, but is a muxing problem. If it's out of sync by the same amount throughout the whole movie, it may be a delay introduced by B-frames. -h
Hi there. This stuff really gets me mad too!!! Here are some suggestions 1) if the audio is out of sync frm the start, and stays exactly out of sync the same amount during the whole movie then you need to set an audio delay (or advance) as bothe audio and video are the same length but just don't start at the same time. If the audio is .wav use vdub if the audio is mp3 use nandub and click on 'audio' - 'interleaving' and follow the instructions there (if audio is before the video use positive values etc...). Now save this avi and you are done. 2) if the audio starts out im sync then gets out of sync progressivly throughout the film then the audio and video lengths are different (someetimes gets described as the audio is 'stretched'). Usual cure is to load video in vdub and get a run-length. Then get the runlength of the audio and use cool-edit to adjust this length to match. 3) Both 1 and 2 can be the case. Perform step 1 with dialogue/door slams/cups on tables etc... at start of film - save this avi than close vdub (to reset ausio offset) re open new avi and demux. Use this adio for step 2. I recently built a new system which incidently meant a change from win 98 to win xp and i noticed that all my caps were out of sync by exactly (-300 ms) as in step 1 above. I still don't know why but i now put 'DelayAudio(-0.3)' in all my .avs scripts. Sorry to be so long in my reply but you didn't specify how your movie was out of sync. You need to be more specific. Good luck.
It also would help to know the exact process you use to create your rips, including the software used :) Since you switched OS, a question comes to mind, do you have a version of directX installed that is supported by both your sound and video drivers? I'm kinda new in the xvid scene, so I might be way off base, but I know directX conflicts can cause strange sound/video issues. You can run C:\Program Files\directx\setup\DxDiag to find out. I have win2k installed also, with no sync issues, so maybe we can tshoot your problem together.
--------------------- -Schwartz 1988 DINAN M6 #1431/1767 (Totaled by moron in Blazer, R.I.P. M6, you were always my favorite) -Schwartz '99 BMW 540i 6-Speed. H/R racing springs. Bilstein sport shocks, Eibach sway bars. (Police Interceptor)
The Problem went away when I deactivated hardware overlay in the fddshow filter...Why would this be causing the problem? does that mean that my video card does not LIKE Directx 8.1b?
Hi there. If you have a lot of postprocessing activated in ffdshow your cpu may not be beefy enough to cope - postprcessing is not usually necessary with good encodes anyway - switch it off!! I used to have this prob with a celeron 800 system (although slower pentiums were ok sometimes - depends i guess on res etc...) use zoomplayer and right click on screen when movie is playing and select 'video information' this will tell you your target framerate and the actual playback rate (usally off by a fraction of a frame anyway) any big differences will explain why your audio is ahead of your video. With your cpu -turn it (postprocesseing) OFF!:) Hope this helps.