Since the early alphas I've been having problems with text within REAPER. Running XP with Clear Type on, all other apps look fine and in the below you'll notice that the menu bar at the top is fine. But the text within REAPER itself has something up with it - anti-aliasing problems of some sort? Notice in particular the track label for track 7 and the item labels. Switching off Clear Type seems to make no difference; the only thing that does is using MS Sans Sarif which it seems doesn't take to anti-aliasing? Tried a complete uninstall and reinstall of the latest alpha, but still no joy. Is anyone else seeing this on their systems? Any ideas how I fix this if it's something my end? Btw, weirdly the problem isn't there on REAPER 2.x. Thanks guys! Ben
+1 I was able to improve the look somewhat by re-selecting the fonts, but the text is definitely not as clear from the get-go as in previous versions. -Susan
Thanks guys - good to know I'm not the only one. Has Justin acknowledged this bug, do we know? It's quite a problem IMO; makes REAPER look horrible and labels very unclear. Needs sorting out for the final release. Ben
Are you guys running XP as well? Weirdly, I just on my Vista laptop and the text seemed ok... Edit: Even the REAPER icon on the desktop seems to be having anti-aliasing problems, ie looks blurry/messy/blocky. What's going on?!
from your image: The top line is OS drawn text so has cleartype applied since you have it activated; see the 'orange left, blue right' thing? That's cleartype. The lower line is Reaper drawing a font not suited to its rendering engine and the small point size; try a different font.
Ah, sorry, didn't really make my point ;) Reaper is drawing the bottom text itself, not the OS. When you make a change to the OS text appearance (by, for example, turning on cleartype) you'll only see it in places where Reaper tells the OS to take care of the text drawing (such as View, Track, Options).
Yes I get that :) But it doesn't bring us any closer to explaining why REAPER's doing this dodgy rendering, or arguably why it doesn't just follow the OS setting. The bottom text is a render unto itself! Looks like neither ClearType-ed nor normally rendered text - just looks buggered! Kind of a 48k Spectrum vibe, perhaps... :D