THX Derrow I've already corrected my post. I've stumbled on an other problem, I can jump true chapters on my stand alone now, but where the missing chapters were, the player display's "chapter 1-1" till the end. Found the solution adjustment of the number of chapters in VMG_PTT_SRPT This time it worked. The new guide is: 1) In VTS_PGCITI > VTS_PGC_1 adding the missing PG's in PGC Program Map (you can check at the bottom how many) Number of Programs at the top will be increased autm. 2) In PTT_SRPTI add the missing chapters, you can find the values in VTS_01_0IFO 3) Correct and save IFO's 4) In VMG_PTT_SRPT adjust the Number of chapters and save 5) Get VTS Sectors. Ready to burn